Ancestral Antiques

Old is gold, they say. You may have heard your grandmother say, ” There is ‘charm’ in the old me” or your grandfather exclaim, “Gone were those good old days!!”. There are two factors that influence this theory. Psychologically, senior citizens are well attached to their past habits and surroundings that having to change to a new one breaks their hearts. Socially, they are not able to catch up with the modern age, the new talks and the ever-growing science and technology. Even when we grow old, we too shall be the same and talk the same.

When your parents show you an old watch that belonged to their great – grandparents you might have just chuckled. But they have been told the worth of it and wish to treasure it as a family treasure. At national and international levels also, authorities auction old coins, jewellery , clothing and even shoes.
This is done to preserve the cultural heritage and lifestyle of the who lived before us. These items are called antiques. At a family level, it is symbolic of a great history. Titanic survivors and their antiques have been auctioned at millions of dollars. 

Although we are the world of the modern society, we must show respect to the old. Indeed they are as valuable as gold and must be carefully kept. Here are some tips on how to lovingly tend to such antiques.

1. Keep them in a showcase for all guests to see. If it is big, use a storehouse or a garage but keep it safe

2. When restoring or cleaning them, use a dry cloth. Microfiber would be well preferred.However avoid any alcohol based agents and cleaners as they could ruin it by chemical deterioration.

3. Treat it likes museum artefact by avoiding as many hands to touch it.

4. If it is a candle,a cup,etc. use it on great family occasions. At such times, boast about your family background. Keep it in limits lest the opposite party gets bored.

5. Treat it just as well as you would treat your laptop, iPad or any important posession; no more, no less!!

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