Today’s silent saints!

What is meant by a saint? What is a saint like? Many people have the misconception that a saint is a person who is highly religious, a person who has never sinned and is always good. No way!! A saint is a person who adopts humanity as the highlight of life. Everyone sins, but we need to get out of it and repent.

While you and I live a rosy life, there are people out there toiling and suffering for others. People who show love for others and never aim for public fame, such people are silent saints. They always knew that life is precious, a gift from God and that we need to look after it. Life is measured in deeds and not in years!
                                       Look at such people, some already canonised, others just lay people who lived in service to others.  Saint Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish Franciscan friar, volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the Nazi German concentration camp of Auschwitz, during the World War II.  Father Damian who looked after lepers without caring about himself, tended to them until he succumbed to the disease himself.
Mahatma Gandhi gave his life for the Indian people by fighting for justice in a non-violent way that today he is regarded as the great soul of peace.  Princess Diana developed  interest in serious illnesses outside the purview of traditional royal involvement, including AIDS and leprosy. In addition, she was the princess of charities and organisations working with the homeless, youth, drug addicts and the elderly.
Many people more are such silent saints who propagate love and brotherhood around. These may have existed in the past, but their memories remain stamped onto the hearts of millions who knew the worth of humanity.
So are we ready to become a silent saint awaiting eternal reward! Are you ready to be the silent saint?

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