History the oldest mystery

History, a word that originated from the Greek word ‘historia’ is actually a collection of information, knowledge, incidents that occurred before a generation could have been born. History is a very important subject that ensures the betterment of the society around us. From pre-historic times to the modern age, history has always been in the focus of various happenings in and around us.

Students all over the world have to study history. It is related to freedom struggles, revolutions, discoveries, myths right up to wars such as the WW1 and WW2. As often said, without the past there would have been no present. 

So why study history? In reality, history is one of the easiest subjects that one can study about. If you have the right focus and knowledge, then history should never be a problem to you. Important events, dates, incidents, causes and consequences must be well understood. Do not study them by rote-learning the subject. Mugging it will only make you forget everything after some time. Jot down crucial ideas and formulate your plans. 

Use PowerPoint presentations, videos and documentaries to understand better. Enquire and ask your teachers for more guidance. All events in history are chained to each other.example: If it weren’t for the oldest computers (created by Charles Babbage) then we wouldn’t have the present day iPods and MacBooks. So enjoy that mystery of history!

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