
A sudden loss of someone dear,

Or even when my life’s in fear.

Despair wrenches open the heart;

And darkness penetrates like a dart.

O may that light I long for show,

That in grief, it’s faith I need to know.

To help me overcome this dreadful loss,

To avoid sending my life for a toss!

Be like a swan

The graceful and elegant sawn,

Swims in the night and even in the dawn,

What makes it so white,

That it appears so right..

Is it’s beauty-both internal and external, that radiantly glows;

Like the swan let us be, no envy that it knows..

But in the prosperity of others may we ever shine and grow.

The lemon

On to the market, to buy some stuffs,

Some flour, rice, bread and thats enough!!

But I forgot that lemon,I presumed I’d buy..

To make the gravy tasty and clean some stubborn stains on my tie..

Small and yellow, round and whole!

The lemon preserves itself even if you make a hole.

Sour and important, seeds full of bitterness..

Look on the bright side; the lemon to my gravy adds some happiness!!

Vent out your problems!

Don’t leave yourself supressed. Keys to enjoying a successful life is being jolly. Here’s what counsellors and psychologists say…

  • Don’t bottle your problems
  • Don’t allow others words affect you
  • Believe in yourself.
  • Have hope in tomorrow
  • Trust a few reliable persons
  • Visit a counsellor
  • Don’t let anyone and everyone know your problems
  • Don’t give into everything.
  • Consume a healthy diet.
  • Pray or meditate regularly.
  • Pamper yourself every once in a while

Try these and look at the results. pat your back and say I am unique and I can do great things.

My CheeseBurger

Burgers with lettuce, mayo, french fries and sauce,

For these, I don’t mind throwing a few coins for a toss.

More cheese and toppings, I can spare a shilling more…

Even if It’s five hundred extra calories or so!

It’s a snack or meal; anytime in the day.

For generations to come, my cheeseburger will gladly stay.

Look towards the horizon

At first, no one knew what lied beyond the sea,
But mankind broke and made history,
Likewise whether I’d succeed or even fail,
To the horizon, I’m gonna set sail.

I’ll make my good,my better;
Try to make my better, the best,
If courage I let be my fortune-teller,
I’m sure faith and hope will do the rest.

For now just pluck up that suppressed hope,
And surely, every problem you will well cope;
Trust your gut and all shall see,
That to reach the horizon, you have that golden key.

The power of happiness

We often whine in lonesome times,
Expecting happiness to ring the chimes,
But, does it really manifest itself in sadness?
Never! It’s time to vanquish this escalating madness.

Smile, smile, well…that’s the style.
Help others, faithfully go that extra mile,
Seeds of faith we must right now sow,
Using trust as oars, continue to row.

Laughter is the best medicine, they say,
Use it both at night and day.
Cultivate happiness, for courage surely will aid,
So nurture joy now and she will step up life’s dwindling grade.

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Making every moment count!

Live every moment if your life in fun.Try simple steps first. Live one day at a time.

  1. Make yourself socially acceptable.
  2. Indulge yourself in laughter and fun-talks.
  3. Hope to have a better accomplishment of your goals.
  4. Don’t let external talks and ideas influence you.
  5. Talk positively.
  6. Think optimistically.
  7. Visualise a perfect future.
  8. Be hard-working, focused and determined.
  9. Respect others while keeping your dignity high.
  10. Accept good and bad with gratitude.

Encourage Yourself!

You are made unique. Born into this world, you have a purpose. There are so many people who care about you, nurture you and hope that you live a happy life. We all have our parents, relatives, well-wishers and many more who silently love us. But, there are times when we have to be on our own. We need support,but there’s nowhere to go, no one to see.

Before we embark on a major task, we need backing or encouragement to feel wanted. The human psychological thinking works in that way. Many a time, we are so dependant and rely on other people for our success. Let’s break away from this human habit and learn what we can do for ourselves.

Step one: Be confident and optimistic. This is a very important aspect when it comes to self-independence. Accept challenges bravely. You can take help if really required. Otherwise, cultivate the habit of independence.

Step two: Avoid negative talks, sad gossips, unwanted slander and any negative persons. They think that they have failed that means you can’t succeed. Don’t allow their negative superstitions to rub on you.

Step three: Say yes to every task that comes your way. If you can’t really attempt it, then a suitable excuse is valid but, always in your mind say “Yes I was born for greater things. I can do it.”

In such ways you can encourage yourself. Try,try until you succeed. If the going gets tough, remember always that there are no short cuts to success. Surely, you will be that independent person who accepts problems with self-encouragement.

Hobbies that really teach you well!

There’s a time for everything. Leisure, recreation, sleep, they all have their rightful time. Many kids nowadays are so engrossed in computer gaming and watching the television. Yes that is definitely needed in today’s 21st century. But we need citizens like you who think big, act fast and who care about the needs of their surroundings. Hobbies help by improving our mechanical skills and intelligence.
Firstly, you need to be interested in your hobby. Don’t practise any hobby just because you are forced to do it. Be plain interested and determined.  I can tell that you are determined because you have taken the time to read this. So go on, find out which hobby suits you the best.
Reading is the most widely accepted hobby. The sad part is no one hardly reads nowadays. But develop the habit of gainful reading. Start by reading the local newspaper daily. It is good in many ways. You know our area, it’s happenings and also you can develop your vocabulary. Try reading ebooks as well or join a library.
Stamp collecting is a primitive hobby today, but there are still some who practise it. Create a bureau of letters, store envelopes and ask your parents, friends and relatives to keep for you the same. Then you’re ready to go stamp collecting!
Playing a light sport. Table tennis, badminton,etc can divert your mind. In fact, light sports can revitalise you. But, avoid this as much as possible because at last you’ll be back sweating!
Sketching is also a way to express heart-felt emotions in drawing. Drawing a character, a bird or flower are some of the infinite ways of sketching. Try it out when you are emotionally unstable. It really works.
Origami, a lesser known hobby is also a good way to show off your creativity and artistic abilities. Search the net for various origami methods.
Well, those are only some examples on ‘how to pass your time’. You can adopt your own hobby. Let it be less stressful, jovial and enjoyable. You don’t lose anything, in actuality you are gaining from it!