Kids and wearing spectacles -_-

Kids and teens alike on a general hate wearing glasses. Many of them make up the excuse of having forgotten to wear their glasses in school or college. Teens too tell everyone that they would rather prefer going around without glasses because with glasses ‘persons on the road fly about and words swings like pendulums’. 

                                                                                                                                                  In the stage of development in kids, the eye undergoes vast changes. The eyeball
 becomes elongated or the distance between the lens and the retina decreases/increases. This causes myopia, hypermetropia etc. It is a must to wear glasses in such conditions. So watching TV and computer many a time is all but a misconception. They are partly responsible for worsening the eyesight, but not wholly responsible.
The bad news is all those teens below 20 years opting to wear contact lenses are actually in line for irreparable eye damage.  But, the good news is of you wear glasses gradually the eye lens will align with the retina reducing the spectacle number.  For those who don’t know laser surgery is also available which can correct this in a jiffy. It is a little costly, but with the upcoming years the cost of LASIK ,etc types of laser surgeries will decrease.
Whenever you feel any discomfort in the yes either while playing, singing or writing, it is best recommended to visit an eye specialist aka ophthalmologist.  Ignoring it will make your eye’s worse and you may have to soon wear ‘old man’ glasses.
Think of spectacles as a new dawn to vision. Choose your own choice of glasses. Check that it fits well. It’s good if you find one matching your complexion. Avoid jazz type glasses, as, many a time they make you look too weird. If you’ve got kids, younger siblings do encourage them by telling them that they look good in glasses.
If you accompany them along to the showroom, they won’t think it to be that bad.
And if you’ve been prescribed glasses, envision them as a new dawn to a better beginning. Enjoy a new spectacle with your brand new spectacles!

You are special!

When you walk down a road you see so many people walking beside you. If you’re in a classroom, you think that you are just one among another seventy kids. To summarise it, you feel sad and lonely because you feel you  are just another face in the crowd.

Now you’ve thought of all the negative views, think about the positive for an instance. What if you were not there? Not born? Never existed in that classroom… Would everything have been the same? No! That’s because you are the best creation of God. God loves you. You are special!

People may tell you many things to break down your morale. This is because they fail to understand the fact that everyone is special. They find the time to pick on you because they know you are that special person who the boss brags about and the teacher talks about!

Learn to face problems with a smile. If it is difficult consult your parents , friends, professors, teachers and well-wishers. They will guide you out. They love you because YOU ARE SPECIAL.

If in their eyes you’re special, then in the eyes of the Creator you’re extra-special. Remember again, you’re that extra-ordinary creation of God!


Why do many Kids prefer online gaming?

Nowadays online gaming is seen everywhere. Flash games from MiniClip right up-to Facebook games like FarmVille, Mafia wars,etc. If not playing on the XBOX, PS3, it’s online games that have attracted the attention of kids and adults alike. So many people I hear about express their desire to play FarmVille only because they need to harvest their crops. It looks like online gaming is also  a way to spend free time.

Children just staring gaming must be monitored and taught tiny flash games because they are easy to understand and grasp. Many of them satisfy the condition that they are easy to handle and are great stress-busters. The good news is that you can playitv from your Home PC, office Desktop and school laptop.

Players testify that they perform better than what they could have done if it were a simulated computer game. Normally, easy controls and multi-player facilities make such games easily accessible.

The greatest advantage of online gaming is the fact that one can access such games at any possible time of the day. From the economical point of view, they are free and only need formal registration. Due to such favourable conditions, no wonder, kids enjoy them the most. So why dont you give it a try and be playful!!

Why do golf balls have dimples?

Do you play golf? Have any idea what those indentations or holes in the golf balls are for. Many of my friends play golf. Surprisingly, no one ever knew why those ‘holes’ are there. Being half the size of a tennis ball, a golf ball is made of a tightly wound rubber strip wrapped around a central core. It is then covered with a hard, rubber like material to give the final look.

In order to hit the ball accurately, indentations have been made on the ball itself . Experts say that it makes the ball fly straight with less resistance. No wonder some top rated holders can hit that dimpled-ball farther than 200 meters!

History the oldest mystery

History, a word that originated from the Greek word ‘historia’ is actually a collection of information, knowledge, incidents that occurred before a generation could have been born. History is a very important subject that ensures the betterment of the society around us. From pre-historic times to the modern age, history has always been in the focus of various happenings in and around us.

Students all over the world have to study history. It is related to freedom struggles, revolutions, discoveries, myths right up to wars such as the WW1 and WW2. As often said, without the past there would have been no present. 

So why study history? In reality, history is one of the easiest subjects that one can study about. If you have the right focus and knowledge, then history should never be a problem to you. Important events, dates, incidents, causes and consequences must be well understood. Do not study them by rote-learning the subject. Mugging it will only make you forget everything after some time. Jot down crucial ideas and formulate your plans. 

Use PowerPoint presentations, videos and documentaries to understand better. Enquire and ask your teachers for more guidance. All events in history are chained to each other.example: If it weren’t for the oldest computers (created by Charles Babbage) then we wouldn’t have the present day iPods and MacBooks. So enjoy that mystery of history!

Key to excellence!

Are you one of those students who scores poorly in examinations?
Do you give up because of the heavy pressure to score well?
Are you the arch-enemy of education?

Well you are at the right place. What is written here may seem absurd, but in reality they are the simple ways to pave your way easily to success. Remember that there are no short cuts to victory. But there are short cuts to achieving it. First answer this honestly…

Do you feel like as though you are fed up of all studying subjects?

Would you prefer to have Facebook, Twitter as your examination test?

Is the way of teaching boring, staff sad?

If even one question has your answer as ‘yes’, then it is easily inferred that you have the potential, but you haven’t opened that package of talents that you have been blessed with. Well naturally, all students including me feel that studies are like menaces. But, if we want to land somewhere in life then it is a must in order to achieve a great career.

Nothing is impossible. Firstly, plan out a timetable and set deadlines. Ensure that you have an hour of play and an hour of other recreation. Sort out difficult subjects first. Many people do the easy subjects that they know first and finally find out that they have not reserved enough time for the important ones.

Secondly, Self Control: Keep distractions away for some time. Of course, do speak to your relatives, best friends, etc. from time to time, but, limit it. Set up personal deals with yourself. Say that if you did an hour of work well, then you can play on your PSP vita for twenty minutes. Depending on your intellectual capacity, you can adjust this yourself.

Study daily, study limitedly and avoid last-minute rushes. Studying daily enhances your absorbing capacity. Last minute rushes ruin everything.

I personally used to study for an hour or two daily, perhaps play games for 2 hours, talk for a long time, surf the net also and so on…but it depends on your will power. If you are determined then you can study fast but well. Enjoy and when examinations draw nearer that ‘1000 pounds’ of study-tension is off your shoulders!!

Faith breeds courage!

You don’t have to be over religious to understand that in life we have to overcome the various perils that come in our way. To overcome such obstacles we need courage. This courage is not the physical bravery that we have. We need the mental strength and determination to overcome such problems. Sure in life, this courage is easily wrought by prayer and hard work. But this too is easily spoken than done.
I remember an incident where a middle aged man about 32 years old, was so desperate to ride a Mercedes car. He even suffered from a partial paralysis but his GP doctor gave him the green signal to ride his scooter. He said if I can ride a scooter than why not ride my Mercedes! He showed the will power and determination and hence eventually rode the Mercedes. He believed that his paralysis would not hinder his path to progress and hence he finally developed that positive approach which also was one reason to his speedy recovery.
It all crumbles when an individual disbelieves that he or she has that capacity to go on. If you have a relationship problem, you need that courage to clear the mess.
If its a problem at school, deal with it steadily but firmly. Deal with your problems assertively. Avoid being imperative, harsh, rude, boastful and jealous. It will ruin all your progress.

Never  have the ” It’s impossible” or “I can’t do it!” attitude. Have faith that you are unique and blessed and you have that determination to go on. Have a never say die attitude. Believe me, you will become a great person someday. 

Never let your life remain opaque, it must be like reinforced transparent glass that is perpetually non-corrosive and kind of scratch resistant. Memories can spoil your relationship, never let that happen.
After all, Faith can move Mountains no matter how steep. So cultivate the seeds of faith and later reap the benefits of courage. Believe in yourself always…because that’s the secret! Have you got the courage?

How you can turn your failure into your success!


As many say,

‘Failure is only the stepping stone to success’
Yes, so true, many of us sigh and cry over our shortcomings. We think that we are “Good for nothings” and feel like as though you are just a tiny person in this massive world. No doubt, you may be a tiny person, but you are unique. No one is like you. You are incredible and you are born for greater things.
We are all human. We can’t always be perfect. All we need to know is, that we all at some point and time fail and falter along our earthly journey. Both king and queen, rich and poor, smart and dull, we all fail. But wait, there’s  nothing to whine over! The good thing is you can convert these failures into your success.
  • Firstly, make your weakness into your strength. A simple example: Even If you are a left-handed person, you still use your right hand to carry bags, switch on the fans,etc.  Similarly, use your weakness to your advantage. If I am dumb, I am using that weakness to enhance my skills to write. If you can’t act, you can surely sing.
  •  Secondly, have a vibrant approach toward life. Set your goals and targets. Avoid over-estimating and under-estimating yourself. Just be neutral and enjoy accomplishing your task and live one day at a time.
  • Thirdly,be focused on success. Always be a hard worker. Remember, success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration; but that 1% matters a lot.
Lastly, don’t give up half way. Persevere and try again. Remember, the story of the spider who  built its web after it recurrently faded away. If spiders can persevere, we too can persevere. And I’m sure, you can achieve results you never imagined you could ever achieve! Turn off the failure switch and turn on the success swith…It’s that simple!

Today’s silent saints!

What is meant by a saint? What is a saint like? Many people have the misconception that a saint is a person who is highly religious, a person who has never sinned and is always good. No way!! A saint is a person who adopts humanity as the highlight of life. Everyone sins, but we need to get out of it and repent.

While you and I live a rosy life, there are people out there toiling and suffering for others. People who show love for others and never aim for public fame, such people are silent saints. They always knew that life is precious, a gift from God and that we need to look after it. Life is measured in deeds and not in years!
                                       Look at such people, some already canonised, others just lay people who lived in service to others.  Saint Maximilian Kolbe, a Polish Franciscan friar, volunteered to die in place of a stranger in the Nazi German concentration camp of Auschwitz, during the World War II.  Father Damian who looked after lepers without caring about himself, tended to them until he succumbed to the disease himself.
Mahatma Gandhi gave his life for the Indian people by fighting for justice in a non-violent way that today he is regarded as the great soul of peace.  Princess Diana developed  interest in serious illnesses outside the purview of traditional royal involvement, including AIDS and leprosy. In addition, she was the princess of charities and organisations working with the homeless, youth, drug addicts and the elderly.
Many people more are such silent saints who propagate love and brotherhood around. These may have existed in the past, but their memories remain stamped onto the hearts of millions who knew the worth of humanity.
So are we ready to become a silent saint awaiting eternal reward! Are you ready to be the silent saint?

The new iPad vs iPad 2. Does it captivate?

Hey everyone, Apple has always been in the forefront of releasing new gadgets every six to eight months, but this time Apple has mystified every person who is a gadget freak. Many people have eyed the iPad ever since its first 2010 launch. As Wikipedia says,

“The iPad  is a line of tablet computers designed and marketed by Apple Inc., primarily as a platform for audio-visual media including books, periodicals, movies, music, games, apps and web content”

But this time Apple has released the all new iPad which features a new retina display which stunningly is supported by the A5X chip that runs on quad-core graphics. Enriched with a 2048 by 1536 pixel display, this iPad is surely a revolutionary tablet device. Many other companies will surely have a tough time trying to keep up with this master piece especially with it being priced low.Starting from $499 for the cheapest Wi-Fi only version and so on. For more visit this site
It surely is a great improvement than the prior iPad 2. But mainly focusing on display and a new processor, it still remains closely featured to the iPad 2. In fact, the iPad 2 was yet wonder pad just a few weeks ago. So those who have an iPad 2 could stick to it as it too has good graphics. Looking at it from the optimistic side, you can really figure out the difference only by its sharp pixels and camera.
  • Able to run a tad faster.
  • Great graphics and design.
  • Faster processor which is quad-core enabled.
  • 5 MP camera with ability to shoot 1080p videos.
  • Better net browsing experience.
  • 4GLTE compatibility.
  • Not necessary to have a Mac, PC,etc and can be easily started off without an iTunes account.
  • 1 mm thicker than previous iPad 2
  • A little heavier and bulky to frequent iPad 2 users.
  • Same iOS that hardly differs in it’s oral features.
  • Longer battery charging time.
  • Memory hungry apps are disastrous to a 16 GB iPad as you may have hardly any more space for music, movies, etc.
  • For those really interested in a design change, the sad part is there is virtually none.
  • 4G LTE is not functional everywhere and will take a lot of time to develop in Asia,Africa,etc.
  • No flash capability.
Finally it’s your choice. To know more visit