It’s Water, not juice!

Out of all the juices available in today’s vast market, when it comes to quenching our thirst we often end up drinking water.In hot summers, to counter act the soaring mercury, a glass of chilled water is great. Yes, water that fluid that everyone calls ordinary actually has the qualities of the ‘extraordinary’.

Water is a multi purpose fluid that has “miraculous ” properties. Many people haven’t actually thought of water as a fluid that actually cleanses the body of all toxic poisons and other water soluble wastes. In reality, water is the best medicine any person could freely consume. It burns away fat, helps restoring acidity problems and so on….

It’s best to have water in the morning, because it maintains the all round balance of the human systems. Many doctors suggest ‘Water therapy’ to patients who have innumerable complications. Surprisingly, they cease to exist within two to three months of practice.

In backward areas where water is scantily available, it’s best to reuse water for other domestic purposes. With Good cleaning, water can be utilised again. Water is also needed by other animals and organisms of our thriving ecosystem and hence bacteria, germs also breed in stagnant and unkept water.always remember to filter, clean or boil water to eliminate such harmful germs. Humans require water with few impurities. Common impurities include metal salts and oxides, including copper, iron, calcium and lead.

From a scientific view, water or H20 is an ingenious combination of two molecules of hydrogen chemically bonded with one of oxygen. But if separated individually, hydrogen can be a disaster as it is highly inflammable. For this, we owe our gratitude to the master creator and to mother earth for this masterpiece of creation.

Water is depleting soon, glaciers are melting, ice mountains are shrinking and global warming is on the rampant. It is up to you and me to conserve water by starting individually . Turn off taps when not in use, use a dishwasher when fully loaded, use a washing machine if really necessary and avoid the unnecessary wastage of water. In the end it is water that makes our planet, the living earth.

Water makes up our body,
Without water there’s nobody!!


Last minute tips before you have a Bon Voyage.‏

Trying to soothe those tired nerves? Have your children just finished their term at high school ? Just acquired leave from work? Well nows that time of the year when we are all hurriedly searching for the ideal holiday spot. Should I make it to the Hawaii; or go to the mighty Mauritius or the Bahamas or even maybe tour the world.
Ironically, touring the world for some will still remain a fantasy until another couple of decades. but for those who are financially stabilised, touring the world will not allow you to enjoy the benefits and luxuries of every individual place.
It’s best suggested to stick to a few interesting places. Try not to visit the same places again just because it was appealing to your senses the prior time. Explore , search and become the new Columbus! First things first,
~ Obtain information about the destination you wish to visit. Be open to suggestions and travel accounts from families and friends. Try googling it!
~Check whether the holiday trip is within your budget. After everything, we wouldn’t like squandering hard earned income only to find out that you have none left when you return.
~Make sure it suits your fashion of taste. Many people wish to holiday for entertainment. Hence, places like Disneyland in Paris is apt. If your that kind of a person who loves history then ancient Greece, Italian and Roman destinations are ideal.
~Check the weather and bring along all necessary accessories. Always bring a cap, torch, ID card,etc along.
~Avoid the destination if news reports say that there is some kind of political and economic turmoil in that area? Trust me it can ruin your fun.
~Carry along the right currency. If you’re going to Europe, Euros are best accepted.  Use travellers cheques mostly. Break the habit of carrying wads of cash around. Many peeping eyes that burn a hole in your pocket.
~An ancient legend of holidaying is book early to avoid last minute rushes and delays.
~Three star rated resorts are well suited as they provide good amenities at economical rates.
~Customise your cellular tariff plans to adjust to roaming facilities.
Many other tips which may suit you are not included. But here are some of the main points to keep in mind before packing off to your destination.

Ancestral Antiques

Old is gold, they say. You may have heard your grandmother say, ” There is ‘charm’ in the old me” or your grandfather exclaim, “Gone were those good old days!!”. There are two factors that influence this theory. Psychologically, senior citizens are well attached to their past habits and surroundings that having to change to a new one breaks their hearts. Socially, they are not able to catch up with the modern age, the new talks and the ever-growing science and technology. Even when we grow old, we too shall be the same and talk the same.

When your parents show you an old watch that belonged to their great – grandparents you might have just chuckled. But they have been told the worth of it and wish to treasure it as a family treasure. At national and international levels also, authorities auction old coins, jewellery , clothing and even shoes.
This is done to preserve the cultural heritage and lifestyle of the who lived before us. These items are called antiques. At a family level, it is symbolic of a great history. Titanic survivors and their antiques have been auctioned at millions of dollars. 

Although we are the world of the modern society, we must show respect to the old. Indeed they are as valuable as gold and must be carefully kept. Here are some tips on how to lovingly tend to such antiques.

1. Keep them in a showcase for all guests to see. If it is big, use a storehouse or a garage but keep it safe

2. When restoring or cleaning them, use a dry cloth. Microfiber would be well preferred.However avoid any alcohol based agents and cleaners as they could ruin it by chemical deterioration.

3. Treat it likes museum artefact by avoiding as many hands to touch it.

4. If it is a candle,a cup,etc. use it on great family occasions. At such times, boast about your family background. Keep it in limits lest the opposite party gets bored.

5. Treat it just as well as you would treat your laptop, iPad or any important posession; no more, no less!!

To err is human, to forgive divine

Today if we look all around, we see violence and hatred. There is no love. Love is never given the chance to rise. Today’s love is for money, power, fame. Nothing is real, nothing is true. People who have been wronged seek for vengeance. Revenge is the ultimate consequence of hatred. Yet, no one seems to be bothered. We are all human.

Everyone makes mistakes. Even the highest supreme authority to the lowest beggar fails in the road to excellence. Disasters do happen but they can be corrected with the right ingredients.If my coffee is bitter, I can add sugar to sweeten it, but if I add salt I am only sealing it. Sugar is the best example of forgiveness and salt is as comparable to revenge. We must try to be the sugar of someone’s life. Your life is salty, mine too is salty. But we can use prayer to evaporate ourselves to a new individual, an individual destined to add sugar in his neighbour’s life.
Forgiveness is the essence of true life. A true martyr forgives his wrong-doers. Many people visualise forgiveness as only meant for weaklings. But no, forgiveness is only practised by the spiritually strong and mentally brave. All religions teach us about forgiveness. Alas! It is easily spoken than done. No one ever masters forgiveness. It’s an art that masters itself over time.
Forgiveness and mercy are interlocked together. In the Shakespearean Merchant of Venice, Portia depicts mercy as twice blessed. Blessed is the forgiver and the forgiven. Mercy descends from forgiveness and makes peace. We need peace today. Violence and hatred mustn’t get the better side of us. They must be vanquished from our midst. Forgiveness delivers that inner -peace that we long inside. The best router to love, hope and faith is forgiveness. So let’s activate our schemes of total forgiveness and we shall enjoys the long-term benefits of joy,hope,love, faith and peace.

Humans we are, but know not;
That forgiveness itself does cast the lot,
The inner language of the heart,
It must be shown till death do you part.