Encourage Yourself!

You are made unique. Born into this world, you have a purpose. There are so many people who care about you, nurture you and hope that you live a happy life. We all have our parents, relatives, well-wishers and many more who silently love us. But, there are times when we have to be on our own. We need support,but there’s nowhere to go, no one to see.

Before we embark on a major task, we need backing or encouragement to feel wanted. The human psychological thinking works in that way. Many a time, we are so dependant and rely on other people for our success. Let’s break away from this human habit and learn what we can do for ourselves.

Step one: Be confident and optimistic. This is a very important aspect when it comes to self-independence. Accept challenges bravely. You can take help if really required. Otherwise, cultivate the habit of independence.

Step two: Avoid negative talks, sad gossips, unwanted slander and any negative persons. They think that they have failed that means you can’t succeed. Don’t allow their negative superstitions to rub on you.

Step three: Say yes to every task that comes your way. If you can’t really attempt it, then a suitable excuse is valid but, always in your mind say “Yes I was born for greater things. I can do it.”

In such ways you can encourage yourself. Try,try until you succeed. If the going gets tough, remember always that there are no short cuts to success. Surely, you will be that independent person who accepts problems with self-encouragement.

You are special!

When you walk down a road you see so many people walking beside you. If you’re in a classroom, you think that you are just one among another seventy kids. To summarise it, you feel sad and lonely because you feel you  are just another face in the crowd.

Now you’ve thought of all the negative views, think about the positive for an instance. What if you were not there? Not born? Never existed in that classroom… Would everything have been the same? No! That’s because you are the best creation of God. God loves you. You are special!

People may tell you many things to break down your morale. This is because they fail to understand the fact that everyone is special. They find the time to pick on you because they know you are that special person who the boss brags about and the teacher talks about!

Learn to face problems with a smile. If it is difficult consult your parents , friends, professors, teachers and well-wishers. They will guide you out. They love you because YOU ARE SPECIAL.

If in their eyes you’re special, then in the eyes of the Creator you’re extra-special. Remember again, you’re that extra-ordinary creation of God!