Look towards the horizon

At first, no one knew what lied beyond the sea,
But mankind broke and made history,
Likewise whether I’d succeed or even fail,
To the horizon, I’m gonna set sail.

I’ll make my good,my better;
Try to make my better, the best,
If courage I let be my fortune-teller,
I’m sure faith and hope will do the rest.

For now just pluck up that suppressed hope,
And surely, every problem you will well cope;
Trust your gut and all shall see,
That to reach the horizon, you have that golden key.

How you can turn your failure into your success!


As many say,

‘Failure is only the stepping stone to success’
Yes, so true, many of us sigh and cry over our shortcomings. We think that we are “Good for nothings” and feel like as though you are just a tiny person in this massive world. No doubt, you may be a tiny person, but you are unique. No one is like you. You are incredible and you are born for greater things.
We are all human. We can’t always be perfect. All we need to know is, that we all at some point and time fail and falter along our earthly journey. Both king and queen, rich and poor, smart and dull, we all fail. But wait, there’s  nothing to whine over! The good thing is you can convert these failures into your success.
  • Firstly, make your weakness into your strength. A simple example: Even If you are a left-handed person, you still use your right hand to carry bags, switch on the fans,etc.  Similarly, use your weakness to your advantage. If I am dumb, I am using that weakness to enhance my skills to write. If you can’t act, you can surely sing.
  •  Secondly, have a vibrant approach toward life. Set your goals and targets. Avoid over-estimating and under-estimating yourself. Just be neutral and enjoy accomplishing your task and live one day at a time.
  • Thirdly,be focused on success. Always be a hard worker. Remember, success is 99% perspiration and 1% inspiration; but that 1% matters a lot.
Lastly, don’t give up half way. Persevere and try again. Remember, the story of the spider who  built its web after it recurrently faded away. If spiders can persevere, we too can persevere. And I’m sure, you can achieve results you never imagined you could ever achieve! Turn off the failure switch and turn on the success swith…It’s that simple!