Key to excellence!

Are you one of those students who scores poorly in examinations?
Do you give up because of the heavy pressure to score well?
Are you the arch-enemy of education?

Well you are at the right place. What is written here may seem absurd, but in reality they are the simple ways to pave your way easily to success. Remember that there are no short cuts to victory. But there are short cuts to achieving it. First answer this honestly…

Do you feel like as though you are fed up of all studying subjects?

Would you prefer to have Facebook, Twitter as your examination test?

Is the way of teaching boring, staff sad?

If even one question has your answer as ‘yes’, then it is easily inferred that you have the potential, but you haven’t opened that package of talents that you have been blessed with. Well naturally, all students including me feel that studies are like menaces. But, if we want to land somewhere in life then it is a must in order to achieve a great career.

Nothing is impossible. Firstly, plan out a timetable and set deadlines. Ensure that you have an hour of play and an hour of other recreation. Sort out difficult subjects first. Many people do the easy subjects that they know first and finally find out that they have not reserved enough time for the important ones.

Secondly, Self Control: Keep distractions away for some time. Of course, do speak to your relatives, best friends, etc. from time to time, but, limit it. Set up personal deals with yourself. Say that if you did an hour of work well, then you can play on your PSP vita for twenty minutes. Depending on your intellectual capacity, you can adjust this yourself.

Study daily, study limitedly and avoid last-minute rushes. Studying daily enhances your absorbing capacity. Last minute rushes ruin everything.

I personally used to study for an hour or two daily, perhaps play games for 2 hours, talk for a long time, surf the net also and so on…but it depends on your will power. If you are determined then you can study fast but well. Enjoy and when examinations draw nearer that ‘1000 pounds’ of study-tension is off your shoulders!!