Faith breeds courage!

You don’t have to be over religious to understand that in life we have to overcome the various perils that come in our way. To overcome such obstacles we need courage. This courage is not the physical bravery that we have. We need the mental strength and determination to overcome such problems. Sure in life, this courage is easily wrought by prayer and hard work. But this too is easily spoken than done.
I remember an incident where a middle aged man about 32 years old, was so desperate to ride a Mercedes car. He even suffered from a partial paralysis but his GP doctor gave him the green signal to ride his scooter. He said if I can ride a scooter than why not ride my Mercedes! He showed the will power and determination and hence eventually rode the Mercedes. He believed that his paralysis would not hinder his path to progress and hence he finally developed that positive approach which also was one reason to his speedy recovery.
It all crumbles when an individual disbelieves that he or she has that capacity to go on. If you have a relationship problem, you need that courage to clear the mess.
If its a problem at school, deal with it steadily but firmly. Deal with your problems assertively. Avoid being imperative, harsh, rude, boastful and jealous. It will ruin all your progress.

Never  have the ” It’s impossible” or “I can’t do it!” attitude. Have faith that you are unique and blessed and you have that determination to go on. Have a never say die attitude. Believe me, you will become a great person someday. 

Never let your life remain opaque, it must be like reinforced transparent glass that is perpetually non-corrosive and kind of scratch resistant. Memories can spoil your relationship, never let that happen.
After all, Faith can move Mountains no matter how steep. So cultivate the seeds of faith and later reap the benefits of courage. Believe in yourself always…because that’s the secret! Have you got the courage?

It’s Water, not juice!

Out of all the juices available in today’s vast market, when it comes to quenching our thirst we often end up drinking water.In hot summers, to counter act the soaring mercury, a glass of chilled water is great. Yes, water that fluid that everyone calls ordinary actually has the qualities of the ‘extraordinary’.

Water is a multi purpose fluid that has “miraculous ” properties. Many people haven’t actually thought of water as a fluid that actually cleanses the body of all toxic poisons and other water soluble wastes. In reality, water is the best medicine any person could freely consume. It burns away fat, helps restoring acidity problems and so on….

It’s best to have water in the morning, because it maintains the all round balance of the human systems. Many doctors suggest ‘Water therapy’ to patients who have innumerable complications. Surprisingly, they cease to exist within two to three months of practice.

In backward areas where water is scantily available, it’s best to reuse water for other domestic purposes. With Good cleaning, water can be utilised again. Water is also needed by other animals and organisms of our thriving ecosystem and hence bacteria, germs also breed in stagnant and unkept water.always remember to filter, clean or boil water to eliminate such harmful germs. Humans require water with few impurities. Common impurities include metal salts and oxides, including copper, iron, calcium and lead.

From a scientific view, water or H20 is an ingenious combination of two molecules of hydrogen chemically bonded with one of oxygen. But if separated individually, hydrogen can be a disaster as it is highly inflammable. For this, we owe our gratitude to the master creator and to mother earth for this masterpiece of creation.

Water is depleting soon, glaciers are melting, ice mountains are shrinking and global warming is on the rampant. It is up to you and me to conserve water by starting individually . Turn off taps when not in use, use a dishwasher when fully loaded, use a washing machine if really necessary and avoid the unnecessary wastage of water. In the end it is water that makes our planet, the living earth.

Water makes up our body,
Without water there’s nobody!!